
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent

Created by Warchief Gaming

An epic 5E fantasy campaign setting by Chris Metzen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update: EU and Starter Adventure - 12-12-22
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 08:30:14 PM

Hey everyone, Chris here -

I apologize for taking so long to provide a new update. 

By now, all regions outside the EU have had product shipped out. The EU shipments have obviously been significantly delayed. This was due to both issues at the German port (which we could not control) and also to some internal miscommunication between my group and Shipquest. I am very sorry for all of these delays - I know it's been incredibly frustrating for you Backers in the EU regions. As of today, I've been informed that EU parcels are finally going out. Stay tuned - and thank you again for your patience. 

I also wanted to address the issue of the Starter Adventure (stretch goal item) - a few folks have been asking about this one. We intended to release a digital PDF version of a simple, low level starter adventure to introduce players into the setting. Full disclosure - it ain't done yet. This particular project has had a few false starts and I've had difficulty finding a writer to get it wrapped up and make sure it's solid. I'm getting some help on this, so I hope to have more unformation about it soon. Once done, I'll likely post the PDF to Backerkit for download (with the rest of the campaign's digital items). 

For those of you who have recieved your items, I hope you're enjoying the Auroboros setting.

For those of you outside of the EU who are still having any issues with your orders, please contact Shipquest  at: 

[email protected]

Thanks, everyone. And Happy Holidays!!!


[email protected]

Update: EU fulfillment moving forward! 11-16-22
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 01:55:13 AM

Hey everyone! 

The Kickstarter has shipped in nearly every region! The EU hold up at the port has been resolved and those packages should start moving by next week! That gives EU Backers one more week to update your addresses. If you haven't done so yet, please contact Shipquest at:

[email protected]

If you've already put in a ticket, DON'T do so again. They're working on it. 

For all other regions, orders have been sent out and should have arrived or will be arriving very soon. If you have an issue with your shipment, please contact Shipquest at the email above. I know some folks are still waiting on their packages and a few have received damaged and/or misprinted items. We're working on collating all of these requests and we'll get them taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible. Hang in there, folks - we're on it! 


Strange Question/Request for y'all...
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 12:44:18 AM

Hey everyone - 

not sure how wildly inappropriate this is, but I wanted to ask if you guys have any favorite sites you go to for regular articles/reviews/discussion for TTRPG/5E content? I figure it'll take awhile before we see any reviews of Worldbook: Lawbrand, but I'd love to find some cool sites to keep an eye on. I know a ton of wargaming sites, but I'm not as clear on where 5E gamers congregate these days (other than the official WotC sites). I need some good recommendations. :)

Thanks so much! 


Update... kinda'.
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 12:01:58 AM

Hey everyone - Chris here

Many of you have been receiving your bundles and it seems like, for the most part, folks are digging all the goodies. I'm really excited to hear what everyone thinks of the product as y'all take time to dig in and, well... read. :) It's a lot of content to pound through. But it's amazing that this monster is now loosed out in the wilds! This was a bucket-list project for me and it's incredible to be at this stage of the journey. 

That said, I know some of you are still dealing with missing packages and/or items here and there. I'm working with Shipquest and a few brilliant associates to get these issues resolved. Again, I really do appreciate your patience with this stuff. It's frustrating for all of us when things don't go to plan. It may take some time, but we'll get things resolved. 

I havent had any updates about it, but I understand there's a holdup of product in Germany at the port. Sounds like it's not just our product - but a lot of incoming international product. Thus, with it being a hub for EU, this might also hold up product shipping out to other EU territories. I've got lines in to Shipquest to get a better idea of what's happening and I'll try to keep y'all posted as things get clearer on that front.

For now, please use the following link to get customer support (if you haven't done so already - if you HAVE, please don't make repeated requests - that just gums things up):

[email protected]

Shipquest/Gamesquest is cataloguing all the requests that they pass on to me. I'm VERY new to the whole customer service thing, but I'll do my best to get issues resolved as quickly and as smartly as possible. 

Have a great day, everyone! 

almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 01:49:01 AM

Hey everyone - Chris here with a quick update. 

Great news - APAC, AUST, UK, and ROW (regions outside of the European Union) - have all shipped out!!!

AND... (drumroll...) US and CAN have started shipping!!! Packages in those regions could start arriving as early as MON! 

There is an issue with GERMANY where Customs there has placed a ‘general hold’ on imports (not just us). Not sure what's up with that, but I'll update you as soon as I hear more on this. Fingers crossed that they can't get things moving quickly. 


I understand there are a number of Backers that have had issues with their addresses bering wrong or having their packages go to the wrong place. I'm told that this isn't all that unusual for projects of this size, but I certainly get how super frustrating this is for those of you who just want your product after waiting so long. For now, please use the link I previously provided - 

[email protected]

...and file a ‘MISSING PACKAGE’ report with Shipquest. This will get you into the system and we can start figuring out next steps. This process will take time as we track everything and wait for the dust to settle on global fulfillment. I truly appreciate your patience at this phase and I'm committed to make things right with you one way or another. 

Have a great day, everyone! 

For those of you who HAVE received your packages - I hope you're digging it!!!!!!!! :)
