
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent

Created by Warchief Gaming

An epic 5E fantasy campaign setting by Chris Metzen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kickstarter Shipping Update!
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 07:47:57 PM

Hey all - thanks so much for all of the assistance tracking shipping issues down as well as your feedback. It has been a tremendous help and we've made a ton of changes today based on your feedback. We highly advise you check out your surveys again ASAP.

Here's a summary of the changes from yesterday:

- Fixed an issue where pledge level and add-on shipping were being calculated separately

- Fixed an issue where digital items were in some cases charging taxes or shipping.

- Fixed an issue where digital or $1 reward pledges were receiving the Mark of the Serpent Coin (and causing them to owe shipping and taxes on that shipping).

Shipping & Tax Changes

Based on feedback, issues discovered, and miscalculations (and many many learnings), we have made a lot of changes today so that many of your surveys should look very different depending what you have ordered. 

- Shipping prices for many customers should now be lower. Shipping rates were initially calculated incorrectly for most countries, especially for the sourcebook and small items. 

- We lowered the prices of shipping small add-ons for those who have purchased digitally but would like some smaller physical add-ons.

-We are now more granular in grouping EU regions to get them the best shipping prices possible.  We have 8 zones that all pay different shipping rates and things should be better for most if not all of them!

- We removed taxes on book-only items ($50, $75, $125 tiers) but added a $2 shipping fee across the board to help handle taxes across the board. In general, shipping rates have been greatly lowered across the board and we will be covering the difference where appropriate. In general, your tax charges should be lower. California residents should correctly be charged sales tax.

- Additionally, we adjusted the VAT rates to reflect the reduced rates that some countries charge on books.  BackerKit does not have an easy way to separate rates by country and item, so we manually calculated this and arrived at a VAT rate that would represent the appropriate % for each tier.  This means that in the VAT column you will have a VAT rate that does not match with the full or reduced rate for your country.  (We will be covering the difference where appropriate.) For EU and UK backers that got the “All-In” pledge level, we added a country specific shipping charge to collect the additional VAT that we will need to pay on that tier.

Thank you for your patience - this is a tremendously complex process that is very new to us so your feedback has been tremendously helpful. Our main goal is to get you these books at the best possible prices! Please let us know if you see any issues!

-Warchief Gaming

Pledge Manager Surveys Sent!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 04:18:23 AM

Hey all!

We just started sending out the BackerKit pledge manager surveys to all 10,000+ backers and wanted to post some important information about the survey.

We also just opened up the Late Backer store - so if your friends and family missed out, feel free to let them know! Click Here For Late Backers!

What is the Survey for?

The BackerKit survey allows you to confirm your address, pay for shipping and relevant taxes, and add additional items or change your pledge level. The sooner you fill it out, the better we can estimate our order quantities, it's a huge help to us to get it done ASAP!

It may take up to and over 24 hours to receive your survey - don't panic if you haven't seen it in your email

Survey Closing August 15th

After August 15th, surveys will lock and you will be charged. You can fill it out any time before then and edit it up until that date, and we will be sure to sent out a 48 hour reminder. If you fail to complete the survey by that date, your order may be delayed, cancelled, or you may miss out on certain benefits (such as your name in the Backer Credits where applicable). 

Serpent-Marked Collector's Coins

If you signed up to be notified about the campaign via BackerKit or backed within the first 48 hours, you will automatically receive a Serpent-Marked Collector's Coin in your pledge. Please do not add an additional coin unless you want one.

Please let us know if you have any issues or questions!

The Warchief Gaming Team

Pledge Manager Update!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:54:11 AM

Hey all! The Warchief team has been working hard on prepping the Pledge Manager surveys on Backerkit and we have an update for you!

We just sent out surveys to a subset of backers for testing and confirmation! That means many of you can begin finalizing your pledges, adding additional add-ons, etc. If you receive one and have issues, please let us know here so we can get them sorted before we send it out wider.

The current plan is to send out surveys to all backers by Wednesday, 6/16. This date may move, of course, if we discover any issues with the surveys. The survey will be open until August 15th. We will send out a 48 hour notice beforehand to help remind everybody they're locking soon.

Serpent-Marked Collector's Coins

If you signed up to be notified about the campaign via BackerKit or backed within the first 48 hours, you will automatically receive a Serpent-Marked Collector's Coin in your pledge. Please do not add an additional coin unless you want one.  

We'll send out an update when the Backerkit surveys go out to all backers with much of the same info and anything else that pops up - we'll also be opening a Late Backer storefront via Backerkit as well.

-Warchief Gaming

That's a wrap! The Auroboros Kickstarter campaign is complete!
over 3 years ago – Mon, May 24, 2021 at 01:44:35 AM

Thank you so much to all 10,216 backers, what an amazing ride you have made this! 

We could not have possibly predicted this level of success when we started this project and are so excited to see all of you in Lawbrand. You'll be hearing from us again quite soon - we have lots of work ahead to finish the book and get all of the components made, and you better believe we'll be here keeping you updated every step of the way.

Thank you again!

The Warchief Team

2 Days Remaining! Pledge Manager + Sub-Class Info Update
over 3 years ago – Wed, May 19, 2021 at 11:54:56 PM

Hey all, happy Wednesday! 

We are just about two days from the completion of the Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent campaign (it ends at 6PM PDT Friday May 21st). We are so excited to get to work on finish the book to have it delivered to you next year, and are so thankful for your support.

Pledge Manager

We've received a lot of questions about the Pledge Manager so we wanted to answer some now.

  • We plan to open the Pledge Manager within a few weeks of the campaign ending. We will be using BackerKit.
  • You will be able to change your pledge tier, add Add-Ons to your pledge, purchase additional copies of the Collector's Edition, and even purchase the Mark of the Serpent Collector's Coin (which was free for those who backed within the first 48 hours).
  • We have not determined how long the Pledge Manager will be opened, but we will have this answer as soon as it goes live.
  • If you backed at a digital-only pledge tier, you will be able to add physical items to your pledge.


As promised, we wanted to give you some information about the new subclasses in Auroboros that you'll be able to play with Worldbook: Lawbrand.

Fighter Subclass: Wildkeeper

The Wildkeeper allows a Fighter to deliver swift justice to those who threaten the enemies of nature. Acting as elite shocktroopers for the druids of the Oram'Hai, Wildkeepers utilize the power of their chosen animal totem to harness druidic spells as well as a physical adaptation of their body - allowing them to use it as an additional weapon in combat.

Monk Subclass: Way of Eminence

The monks of the Bohen Dur use their inner power (or Moru'sha) to project a sphere of "Eminence" with their minds. Those who master it can project their will to nearby objects and beings, allowing them abilities to strike blows without touching their enemies, knock back enemies, and even interrupting the flow of magic.

Rogue Subclass: Wraithblade

A Wraithblade is a chosen assassin of the Draconis Malisath - a shadowy organization of vampires that acts as an shadow empire of crime in Lawbrand. Gifted vampiric abilities - Wraithblades can utilize their deadly talents even after breaking away from the cartel itself. In combat, they can perform supernatural actions such as transforming into mist, walking on walls, and even teleporting through shadows to Sneak Attack their enemies.

Warlock Subclass: Souleater

Empowered by the "Pact of Ink" and a new Patron, Karybdiss, Souleaters utilize dark magic in horrifying ways.  Souleaters do exactly what they sound like they do - they shackle enemies' souls to themselves and devour them for powerful effects - whether it's devouring a single soul to cast a known cantrip as a bonus action or devouring 5 to regain a spell slot, these Warlocks will be looking to gather these souls between long rests and devour them as often as possible. If you choose to hold onto souls, they will haunt your dreams and cause your long rests to put you at risk of becoming even more exhausted...

Which sub-class are you most excited to see in action?