
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent

Created by Warchief Gaming

An epic 5E fantasy campaign setting by Chris Metzen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick update
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 09:47:46 PM

Hey everyone! This is Chris with a quick update - 

Shipquest has informed us that the UK will start fulfilling orders later this week, so UK Backers should be receiving their packages starting next week. It looks like EU and ROTW (smaller orders to global regions) will start fulfillment later next week. 

US and Canada are still waiting for a few palletes which couldnt be fit in the same primary shipping container - but those should be arriving any day now to the main distribution center. Fingers crossed that things go swiftly/smoothly from here! 

For those of you wondering about the Wyrmwood items - fear not - they were received at the distribution centers a few weeks ago - so they'll go out on time once the remaining palletes catch up. 

I was also asked to ask y'all not to swamp the Shipquest customer queue with additional 'address change' requests after your initial request. Apparently that just gums up the system and bounces your initial request further down the queue. They're working hard to get all changes in and ready! 

That's all I know for now. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything about NA/CAN and the remaining regions. 

Have a great day!  

almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 03:02:46 AM

Hey everyone - I know there are a number of you who need to update your shipping addresses. The downright HEROIC folks over at Shipquest can get ya' fixed up! 

[email protected]

Please forward any questions and 'address update' requests to that email and they'll take care of ya'. But please do so quickly - the hour grows long, indeed....

I'm still waiting for updates on shipping/fulfillment updates for the regions I mentioned yesterday - and I'll let y'all know as soon as I get the 411. 

Have a great day, everyone! 


Quick Update!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 05:18:27 AM

Hey everyone, Chris here - I know you've been waiting to hear more about fulfillment and such over the past few weeks. It's been a pretty hectic time. We're still waiting on info from Shipquest about various regions recieving product at distribution hubs. So far, Backers in AU, APAC and China have begun to recieve their product. I'm still waiting on updates for UK, EU, US, CAN and the other global regions. As far as I can tell, everything made it 'across the water' to these regions, it's just moving through the distribution pipeline. I'll try to do a much better job of keeping you all informed as I get updates over the next few weeks.

I know the other ongoing issue is that adresses were locked in SEPT and some folks are wondering if there's time to update their adresses. I'm working with Shipquest to get that question answered and hopefully provide a consistent contact for people to interface with. 

As always, I thank you all for your patience - I know its been a long haul and anticipation is building. We're doing our best to get this thing out to you all as quickly as we can. Like I said, I'll try to provide more consistent updates as info comes in. 

Thanks everyone! 


Auroboros: Address Lock September 16th!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 06:22:47 AM

Hey all! 

Good news: everything is well on its way to your countries and going smoothly. The expected delivery dates are middle of next month, so it's time to lock addresses!

We will be locking addresses in BackerKit on September 16th. Please be sure to make any changes in BackerKit before that day - if you need help, the BackerKit support will be happy to assist! We can't wait for everything to arrive in your mailboxes (and for those who got the limited editions, hopefully your mailboxes have room for these big books!)

-Team Warchief

Production Update: July 18th
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 01:53:49 AM

Hey all! Time for a production update with the latest from our factories in China, as well as photos of the completed samples!

Here's the latest info... as you can see, it's somewhat out of our hands now as we let the global shipping process do its thing. As mentioned before, we may still see delays as everybody else is, but our production team is working on making sure it happens as soon as possible.

  • All products are packed and ready to ship.
  • European shipments are booked and will be arriving in the country by end of August (it's a long, slow boat ride!)
  • US dates are still incoming, but look to be on track
  • We hope to have all product in backer's hands by mid-October at the latest.
  • The global retail release is being pushed from October to November to allow backer shipments to happen first. Our distribution partner would like to have product on shelves by Black Friday at the latest.
  • Address lock will happen in August so there's still time to change your address in Backerkit!

And now, the photos!

Looking forward to you getting your copies too!
