
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent

Created by Warchief Gaming

An epic 5E fantasy campaign setting by Chris Metzen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

500k! Enamel Pins Unlocked & Two New Stretch Goals!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 08:43:27 PM

You've unlocked two new stretch goals since our last update, Writs & Bounties and Enamel Pins. We wanted to take a moment to highlight the enamel pins as we love these designs!

So what's next? 

Something we're very excited about in Lawbrand are our new races and we wanted to highlight them appropriately! If we hit 550k, we'll unlock a new add-on in the form of Premium Race Character Sheets - as designed by Francesca Baerald (the amazing artist who designed our normal Premium Character Sheets and all of our maps). 

After that, we'd like to commission a new wave of art for Worldbook: Lawbrand focusing on the landscapes and characters. We still have more awesome art you haven't seen yet (and many you haven't seen in detail yet) but we want to add even more!

Stretch Goal Unlock: Additional Art & More Character Sheets! Bonus Miniatures Pack Next!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 08:42:39 PM

Despite our tremendous success yesterday, we did not expect to wake up to two more stretch goals absolutely smashed by you. We just added the Premium Race Character Sheets Add-On to the campaign, you can add them to your pledge now! In addition, we're already getting started on commissioning new art for the book focusing on landscapes and characters - we want to show you a wide breadth of what Lawbrand looks and feels like.

So what's next for our campaign? 

It's safe to say that we hoped Auroboros would be successful, but we didn't anticipate it being THIS successful, especially not this quickly. We had created a list of stretch goals that we felt was fairly comprehensive, with things we wanted to do in the book that we might have not had art or page count for, and awesome products that we could have never made. We didn't expect to get through all of them... but you have eaten through quite a few of them in just 24 hours!

Our current unlocked stretch goals were all at the pace of $50k each - something we thought would last a long time! Given the pace of the campaign, we need to slow that down a bit to give us some time to breath so the next set of stretch goals is planned to be $100k per goal. If things keep going at this pace, that should be no problem for you. 

But what's the next stretch goal?

We're adding one more pack of monsters - but there's a twist! This pack will be completely free to anybody who purchased STL Collection 1 or 2. We want to make sure those packs feel like a good value and we want you to have access to as many awesome miniatures as possible.

What would you like to see as a stretch goal?

Stretch Goal Unlock: .STL Bonus Pack!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 08:41:04 PM

Our latest stretch goal was hit over night (for us) and is updated on the page now - you'll receive this pack of four .STL files for FREE if you purchased .STL Collection #1 or #2. 

Up next, at $800k is our final planned addition to the book itself* - a system to Build Your Own Racing Chariot. That probably sounds absolutely absurd to you, but you'll have to wait to hear all about the Lietsin 100 event that happens every year and is featured in the Under the Sun novel... 

*Any more beyond that and we could be putting shipping the book itself in danger of being delayed! It's not the final stretch goal, though!

Related to that, throughout the campaign we'll be posting more details about the world of Lawbrand.  Is there a particular part of the sourcebook you'd like to know about before the campaign ends?

Group Origins + Another Miniature Collection Unlocked - More Stretch Goals Added!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 05:06:49 PM

We continue to smash through stretch goals - you just added Group Origins to the book as well as unlocked a new set of STLs as an Add-On! Remember - you can edit your pledge to include newly unlocked add-ons and help contribute to hitting the next Stretch Goal!

Coming up next we have more monsters in the Bestiary and an Add-On for Collector's Coins you can give to the Marksworn - those in the group who have chosen not to take the Mark of the Serpent itself but are bound to their party members who have.

Two Stretch Goals Unlocked - Two More Posted!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 05:06:19 PM

We've already unlocked TWO MORE stretch goals! Thank you so much for the support!

And with that, we've added two more to the page! If we can manage to pass those, there's more to come!