
Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent

Created by Warchief Gaming

An epic 5E fantasy campaign setting by Chris Metzen.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Friday Update: Under the Sun & More
over 3 years ago – Sat, May 01, 2021 at 12:27:17 AM

Hey all! Time for another Friday Update!

We're incredibly close to knocking out our 900k Stretch Goal for the digital/printable copies of the Premium Character Sheets and can't wait to show you what our next Stretch Goal is. Thank you again for all of the support you've shown as well as the feedback you've given. The next notes here are directly results of things you've asked for.

All-In Pledge

Based on backer's feedback, we're going to add an All-In Pledge which contains just about every add-on and offers a discount. It will allow you to choose from one of the Wyrmwood Vaults (you choose post-campaign) and will not contain the Wyrmwood Art Tray (which can be chosen as an Add-On, of course). We're hoping to launch this alongside hitting our 900k Stretch Goal.

Discord Now Open!

We opened up an Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent community Discord! Join now and start chatting - we'll be improving it in the coming weeks but we've received a lot of requests for one and wanted to get it out to you ASAP:

Under the Sun

Chris wanted to take some time this week to talk a bit about Under the Sun, the novelized (by NYT best selling author Mickey Neilson) story of his original AD&D adventure in Lawbrand. As you probably know, you can pick it up as part of the Collector's Edition, but you might have been wondering about the story itself. Wonder no more - and enjoy a piece of Chris' art from back in the day!


So… there’s an interesting story behind our story.

My friends and I ran our AD&D Auroboros campaign in three distinct phases from the mid-eighties to the mid-nineties – each phase representing different eras of Drastnia’s long history. If that sounds overly impressive, don’t be fooled – we were making it up by the seat of our pants as we went. The story of ‘Under the Sun’, specifically, comprises the adventures of our second group, based in the ‘middle era’ of history – the age of Lawbrand.

It was the early nineties when we played this part of the campaign – and many of us were musicians or in bands at the time. Our somewhat irreverent values, caustic humor and heavy music tastes were hugely influential in shaping the world we played in as well as informing the story we played through.

We focused our storytelling on themes of societal control, the corruption of powerful institutions, creative expression and above all, brotherhood. And, of course, we sprinkled in as many vampire-cartels, off-road chariot races and raucous music festivals as we could manage as the campaign took shape.

My friend Sam Moore and I developed the setting together and also took turns as GM for our group. We regularly jammed on big world ideas, character motivations and unfolding world-mythology. We loosely outlined adventure hooks and plot points each week as we traded off running the sessions. This worked great as we were both able to kick back and actually play our characters in weekly intervals.

We wound up naming this particular phase of the campaign ‘Under the Sun’, which is lifted from the Black Sabbath song Under the Sun/Every Day Comes and Goes, featured on their 1972 Vol.4 album (which is somehow even older than I am…). Under the Sun is one of my very favorite Sabbath tracks and served as a spiritual theme song for our adventures in the Lawbrand era. Seriously, all these years later, I hear that opening riff and I’m immediately transported back to the desolate heart of the Tanaroch…

Anyway, I digress…

Here’s how I’d describe Under the Sun’s storyline without giving too much away:

Under the Sunchronicles the adventures of a group of hard-bit, hard-playin’ mercenaries that run afoul of Lawbrand’s authorities after a simple job goes belly-up. Desperate and on the run, these ragged outcasts find safety and belonging in their unlikely partnership. Always barely one step ahead the law, they cross paths with the Children of the Sun - a powerful new faith movement - that seeks to topple the ruling Sularian Church and purify the ‘social corruption’ of Lawbrand by fire.

After a series of infuriating run-ins, the reluctant mercenaries set themselves against the Children of the Sun – stumbling their way into their own unique brand of heroism and justice. Their pursuit of the Children of the Sun takes them on a mad dash across Lawbrand’s Trade-Cities and beyond. And all the while, they are drawn ever deeper into the dangerous mystery of the Auroboros itself…

After suffering heartbreaking losses and setbacks, the unlikely heroes eventually rise to wield the unimaginable powers of the Auroboros – and (grudgingly) save the civilization that only ever saw them as worthless outcasts.

The MOST unlikely heroes…

Without further ‘ado, I’ll introduce you to ’the dudes’ here…


High Elf - Multiclass Sorcerer/Fighter

Played by Sam Moore

Xamus was one of the last of the surviving high elves. Having left the elves’ secret enclave of Feyonnas, he set out to travel the world and see its wonders for himself. Never one to accept the easy path, Xamus practiced wild magic – which his people abhorred - just to prove it could be mastered. Secretly, he thrilled at the danger – the possibility that his spells could backfire dramatically. The uncertainty made him feel alive.

Keeping his elven heritage hidden, he took to life on the road, becoming a mercenary sell-sword - constantly on the lookout for arcanum and spell lores to add to his magical repertoire. He’d try almost anything once – always fascinated by new experiences.

A loner from the start, Xamus took to the group out of necessity more than any other factor - but came to regard the other outcasts as brothers – closer to him than the stodgy kin he left behind in Feyonnas.

Xamus’ old AD&D class was Mage/Fighter… in 5E he’d likely be sorcerer/fighter multiclass.


Desert Dwarf - Fighter

Played by Mike Pirozzi

A desert dwarf from Red Bluff, Torin lived his early years as an orphan – cared for by different families, and even a pack of ma’ii for a time. His surname, Bloodstone, is a term the desert dwarves use for ‘orphan’. Having never really held Red Bluff as his true home, Torin always had a sense of wander lust.

Leaving his fellow dwarves behind at an early age, he hit the road to make a living as mercenary and caravan guard along the fringes of Lawbrand.

His time spent among other races at an early age gave him a deep curiosity about the varied peoples of Lawbrand. Torin always took people as they were and believed they should be treated with equal dignity – unless they proved to be useless assholes. He had a deep hatred for those who abused power. Like many dwarves, he didn’t necessarily have an issue with people in power – so long as they wielded it well. Authoritarianism and injustice really pissed him off.

His strength and resilience made him an implacable foe in combat – even against mightier opponents. He was never one to back down from a fight – and was often eager to prove his prowess against all comers. Red Bluff or no, he was a dwarf’s dwarf to the core.

By the time Torin encountered the other outcasts, he’d seen and done a lot. He eventually found the kind of family in the group that he never had as a youth.

His old AD&D class was Fighter – and he’d be exactly the same in 5E…


Ma’ii - Priest

Played by Mike Carrillo

Introverted, but exceedingly clever, Oldavei was just as happy studying people and their motivations as he was playing tricks on them. As a youth, the good-natured ma’ii was trained to become the next shaman of his ma’ii pack. But during his training, Oldavei glimpsed a vision of his own death - which rattled him to the core. As a result, he abandoned his shamanic calling and left his pack behind; becoming deeply disillusioned about his place in the world.

Oldavei spent a few years taking odd jobs in various Trade-Cities, quietly observing the people of Lawbrand all the while. He saw the plight of the poor working-class citizens and the hypocrisy of the ruling religious elites. He grew to hate the constricting societal roles people were forced to play and the systems of control that kept the masses down. He became an enthusiastic anarchist, dreaming of burning the systems down – challenging everything – breaking it all.

It’s possible that his sometimes-bestial ma’ii nature aggravated his discontent. But the truth was, he longed to regain the connection he’d lost when he left his people. He wanted his life – and his death – have some kind of purpose.

Meeting the group of outcasts and using his ‘shamanic’ healing powers to keep them safe started to heal some of his old wounds and give him the purpose he craved.

His old AD&D class was Cleric, but Mike played him more as a tough tribal shaman. In modern 5E, he’d more likely be a Priest focusing on the Nature Domain as a stand-in for ‘shamanism’.

Mike created the idea of Oldavei’s ma’ii race, and had fun playing as a shapeshifting coyote hybrid. It’s pretty cool to have realized the ma’ii as a full-featured race for Worldbook: Lawbrand.


Human - Bard (College of Creation)

Played by Daniel Moore

Wilhelm was always a bit whimsical about life. Maybe just a tad narcissistic, too. Creative and impulsive, he was born the third son of his noble family. Unable to inherit either power, fortune or position the way his older brothers would, he was widely regarded as a useless and often forgotten part of the family.

Eventually, he left his family estate in Wallaroo and took up the life of a bard. While no slouch in a fight, he found real proficiency in singing, writing songs and playing various musical instruments. He loved composing perverse or irreverent verses and delighted in performing his craft to any who would listen. Adorned with his signature striped hat and fashionable leather pants, he loved the energy he got from the enthusiastic audiences he played for while on the road. He traveled the breadth of Lawbrand – seeking fame and fortune as a traveling minstrel. More often than not, he spent his days intoxicated, entertaining every whim and giving in to every impulse.

Joining up with the group of outcasts was a total fluke – or perhaps it was fate? Either way, he came to see them as his traveling ‘band’ – and had huge loyalty for them no matter where their journey led them…


Human - Wildkeeper

Played by Chris Metzen

Darylonde was a bit grizzled. He spent the last ten years of his life fighting a nightmare war against the Howling in the deep wilds north of Lawbrand. He developed a form of PTSD from the horrors he witnessed. Often quiet and introverted, he could seem a bit cold or intense to those who didn’t know him well. In truth he was deeply compassionate and truly believed in the Oram Hai druids’ mission of safeguarding the natural world from the Howling’s depredations. But he was edgy and nervous as only weary soldiers can be.

Darylonde pledged his life to the Oram Hai and was trained as a soldier and guardian of the wilds. At the age of thirty he underwent a sacred ritual (and vision quest) to find and merge with his spirit animal; the eagle. Part of that ritual required a test of faith – where he leaped off a cliff to take hold of the wind as the eagles do. Suffice to say, the spirits saved him that day and granted him supernatural powers of a Wildkeeper; able to speak to avians and see through their eyes. His right hand mutated into that of a deadly eagle’s talon, which he often kept gloved to avoid staring eyes.

A grizzled veteran of the Howling Wars, Darylonde dreamed of the day when he’d be able to lay down his arms and rest in the peaceful quiet of the wilds.

He didn’t think much of the outcasts upon first meeting, but he knew they were destined to change the world in some way. He agreed to accompany them on their journey out of a sense of duty (or to try and keep them out of trouble), but he eventually came to see them as dear friends and soldiers of a different kind…

Darylonde’s old AD&D class was a dual Ranger/Druid combo. He could fight and shoot – but I wanted druid spells earlier than Rangers usually acquired them. That fact served as the basis for creating the Wildkeeper subclass of Fighter – weaving in the animal mutations and feral power I’d developed for his background.

Wyrmwood & Dispel Dice Campaign
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 03:27:25 PM

As you probably know, Wyrmwood has created a series of amazing Auroboros accessories that we're offering as Add-Ons during our Kickstarter campaign. What you may not know (although with how successful it's been, you probably do!) is that they also just launched their own Kickstarter campaign with the amazing Dispel Dice! We wanted to give their Kickstarter a shoutout here as it's a perfect fit for TTRPG fans. If you are craving some fancy dice, be sure to check it out! 

"Two of the biggest names in tabletop gaming, Wyrmwood  and Dispel Dice, are collaborating to bring a new collection of dice into the world. This collaboration is a first for both brands, and with new exclusive designs from Dispel alongside stunning gemstone and glass offerings from Wyrmwood, this campaign is one for the record books... literally! You can back for a d20, set of 3d6, full set of 7 dice, or any combination you like - no matter what you choose, as a backer, you'll be contributing to our attempt to break a Guinness World Record, and if we do it? You'll receive a piece of that record to own yourself. Want to know more? The project is live right now, and you can check out all the offerings and details on the campaign page!"

New Add-On & New Stretch Goal Unlocked!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 11:33:42 PM

Thank you all so much - we just crossed $800k and unlocked the Build a Racing Chariot feature in the sourcebook. We're very excited to write and design this feature and can't wait to hear about your wild creations and the adventures you have in them.

New Add-On Available

In addition to unlocking new content for the book, we're also adding a new Add-On - this absolutely gorgeous dice tray by Wyrmwood Gaming. Featuring the striking Auroboros book cover by Mark Gibbons printed in fully color on a durable vegan-friendly synthetic leather. Shout out to Wyrmwood Gaming for getting this beautiful sample turned around quickly so we could show it off!

You can add this to your pledge now to help us hit the next Stretch Goal!

But what's our next Stretch Goal?

We've heard a lot of requests for the awesome Premium Character Sheet to be given out digitally, and we'd like to do that! At $900k, we'll be giving backers of any of our tiers a free digital character sheet based on our Premium Character Sheet by Francesca Baerald. We'll also give you a black & white version for printing! 

This Stretch Goal was one you made happen directly - it was the community's idea! We've gotten a few more good ideas from you and want to hear even more feedback. 

So what type of character will you use these character sheets to create?

Friday Update: The Trade-Cities of Lawbrand!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 04:52:20 PM

Hey all! We've had an amazing first week of the campaign and we've had a bit of time to catch our breath. We still have more stretch goals planned, including some things that people have been specifically asking for, which we have no doubt will come to pass over the course of the next month or so!

Something we've seen people ask for was more details on the world of Auroboros, so Chris put together some quick blurbs about where a lot of the action takes place - the Trade-Cities! Hopefully this gives you an idea of what makes Lawbrand tick - as you can see on the map below however, there's a lot beyond the Trade-Cities too!

The Trade-Cities of Lawbrand

The Trade-Cities are large, urban cities that are each controlled by a Trade-Guild. Each city specializes in a particular industry or resource, but it doesn't mean they only have one industry present, just that they are experts in one! 


Sargrad is the industrial heart of Lawbrand and the largest of all the Trade-Cities. The colossal edifice of the Cathedral of St. Varinna, the headquarters of the Sularian Church, looms over the city’s bustling factory sectors and crowded marketplaces. Its teeming streets – packed with laborers, politicians and pilgrims - epitomize the hustle and flow of modern life.


The proud frontier city of Lietsin, nestled at the edge of the vast Tanaroch desert, was the first Trade-City to be founded. Featuring both the progressive Arcanimus Academy and the massive, timeworn Coliseum at the city’s center, Lietsin is a unique metropolis that straddles the line between past and present.

"MAGIC TEXAS!" is what we would jokingly refer to Lietsin as while developing the book, and with the details above and the Lietsin 100 chariot race we mentioned before, you can imagine why! 


Once one of the most prosperous Trade-Cities, Skarborough is Lawbrand’s primary source for refined ore and mineral production. Built atop a vast network of subterranean mines and quarries, Skarborough suffered a devastating quake some years back and never quite recovered from the economic crash that followed.


A wonder of modern engineering, Talis features dozens of automated levees, bridges and dikes that regulate the flow of the mighty Talisande river upon which it’s situated. It serves as Lawbrand’s principal shipping hub for goods and materials moving along the river between the Trade-Cities.


Located on Lawbrand’s remote southern coast, Tidesfar is a city of daring explorers and stalwart seafarers. While its prolific fishing industry keeps its coffers full, its navy, which protects Lawbrand’s coasts from pirates and raiders, is perhaps its greatest contribution to the realm’s safety and prosperity.


Home to the Church’s most devout followers, Orinfell is a city of deep faith and time-honored traditions. Home to both the Sularian Seminary and the hallowed Basilica of St. Jenhra, Orinfell’s more orthodox citizenry regularly observe the Sularian High Feats and greet faithful pilgrims with open arms.


Nestled at the base of Korosoth Mountain, Innis serves as Lawbrand’s principal hub for textiles, clothing and fashion. The bohemian city, bustling with creative energy, is also the epicenter of Lawbrand’s growing music scene – as bards, bands and performers of all kinds compete to perform at its popular venues.


Long held as Lawbrand’s agricultural breadbasket, Hearthvale has only recently been certified as an official Trade-City. Its sprawling fields and farmlands are a far cry from the urbanized, densely packed cities to the west – but its hard-working citizens toil proudly for Lawbrand’s collective good.

Keepletting us know which parts of the sourcebook or Lawbrand you want to learn about!

Expanded Bestiary & Marksworn Coins Unlocked... With More Coming!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 08:43:37 PM

We can't believe that we get to write about two more Stretch Goals that you smashed through - especially to hit $400,000, but here we are. You'll now be able to add the Marksworn Collector Coins as an Add-On to your pledge and we'll be expanding the Bestiary post-haste.

And what's next? A new system of minor quests and adventure creation tools called Writs & Bounties. In addition to that, a new add-on: a four pack of enamel Auroboros pins based on each of the Collector's Edition covers.